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The Golden lake

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A fragile ecosystem which must be protected

View our sections to find updated information on the health of Lac Doré, including information on good environmental practices to ensure the sustainability of our body of water.


Our lake is still in good health, but threatened. In regard to such matter, you may read the report on the health of Lac Doré  written by Roger Tessier, environmental consultant.

Lac Doré has faced a few problems related to cyanobacterial blooms in recent years. In order to be aware of what actions to take and priorities to ensure the preservation of the health of Lac Doré, Abrinord has produced a summary on the state of its watershed.

The summary includes the important and available information on Lac Doré. It will be used, among other uses, as a guide in decision-making with respect to actions to take to slow down eutrophication (premature aging) of the lake.


Click here to view the Summary-report of Lac Doré (in french only).


Let's work together to protect our lake!

All informations about the healf of the lake, including last environementals test results

What can you do to protect the water quality of the lake ? 

The History of Lac Doré

Click here to view the history of the lake.

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