Protecting my lake
Despite its clearness and acceptable water quality, the health of the lake remains fragile: several occurrences of localized blue-green algae have been observed in recent years. With phosphorus levels and water temperature being the main factors of bloom outbreaks, it is very important to adopt good practices to protect our lake.
The Association is working closely with the municipality and organizations like Abrinord for the purpose of identifying the best actions to take to maintain lake quality.
Blue-green algae, also called "cyanobacteria" are bacteria that are naturally present in bodies of water in Quebec. They multiply especially in summer. When they become very abundant, blue-green algae form what is called blooms, which can extend into a part or the whole of the body of water. The water then takes on a green colour and its texture become similar to paint or broccoli soup. Foam may also appear at the surface of the water contaminated by blue-green algae. It is usually when we begin to see such foam that blue-green algae may be problematic to our health.
Click here to access the new bleu-green algae observation and reporting guide
Click here for information on how to recognize different categories of algae
Eurasian watermilfoil: a very real threat
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Myriophyllum spicatum is a species of invasive Eurasian exotic plant well established in Quebec. Its progression is constantly evolving. In 2016, in the Laurentians region, its presence was reported in some 40 lakes. Although this versatile plant has the ability to colonize a wide variety of habitats (lakes, rivers, wetlands, etc.) its maximum growth is observed in transparent lakes, having nutrient-rich and fine-textured sediments. In addition to the scarcity of natural predators, Eurasian Watermilfoil has an additional advantage: it can reproduce by fragmentation of the stem. Thus, a small piece of severed stem can take root and give rise to a new plant. Fragments can be carried by current, water users and animals.
Here is an interesting article about Eurasian watermilfoils in the Laurentians region
Adopting good practices
Whether or not on the lake side, we can all benefit from adopting best practices so as to not contaminate our lake. It is important to take actions to limit surface water runoffs to the lake and consequently maintain phosphorus levels as low as possible. Phosphorus is the main reason for the development of blue-green algae blooms.
Make planting a priority! Planting is a simple gesture that can protect the quality of your lake :
Plant shrubs and do not cut trees: the root systems will filter the water that ends up in the lake
Provide plants to banks and walls: bare walls usually absorb heat which in turn contribute to warming up the lake
Avoid asphalt parking lots and use materials that will allow the soil to absorb rainwater, such as gravel or hardy plants.
Maintenance of septic systems: empty your tank on a regular basis.
Avoid using certain types of fertilizers: use natural fertilizers.
Use soaps and detergents without phosphates
To know more, you can read the following documents (french links):
I'm taking action: plants on my shoreline
List of plants recommended for planting on Quebec shorelines
Be vigilant
Report occurrences of blue-green algae to the Association as soon as possible. We will forward the information to the Ministry of Environment so that tests may be performed.
If you witness acts or infringements that may be harmful to our environment: report such acts to the municipality and report them to the Association